What Does Accenture Mean By “Sustainability Will Be The New Digital?”

Accenture’s statement, “Sustainability will be the new digital,” encapsulates a profound shift in the business paradigm, emphasizing the increasing importance of sustainability practices in a manner reminiscent of the transformative impact that digitalization has had on industries. This assertion underscores Accenture’s recognition of sustainability not just as a corporate responsibility but as a strategic imperative that parallels the transformative nature of digital technologies. In essence, it signifies a departure from viewing sustainability merely as a compliance checkbox to embracing it as a core driver of business strategy and innovation. Accenture suggests that, akin to the way digital technologies have reshaped business models, operations, and customer experiences, sustainability will play a pivotal role in shaping the future landscape of organizations. To delve deeper into this concept, it’s essential to explore how sustainability is becoming a key differentiator, impacting various facets of business operations, from supply chain management to customer expectations, and how organizations are integrating sustainable practices into their core strategies to remain resilient and future-ready.

Integration of Sustainability into Core Business Strategies

Accenture’s analogy between sustainability and digitalization implies that organizations should embed sustainability into their core business strategies, treating it as a transformative force rather than a peripheral concern. This involves a holistic approach where sustainability considerations are not isolated but are integrated into decision-making processes across departments.

Accenture’s multi-dimensional approach


Accenture’s sustainability value creation proposition relies on four pillars

Sustainability by Design: We redefine how we think, create and measure value and sustainability impact by building our sustainability capabilities and integrating sustainability into everything we do.

Sustainability Services: Our suite of services (Net-Zero Industry Transitions; Sustainable IT and Technologies; Responsible, Circular Value Chains; Sustainability Data, Decision-Making, and Performance; Leadership Development, Talent & Organisation; and Sustainable Brand, Design and Customer Experience) can help clients tackle their greatest sustainability challenges and realise the competitive advantage and impact that sustainability brings.

A Responsible Company: We’ve tried to set an example by becoming one of the world’s leading companies across all environmental, societal and governance (ESG) sustainability elements. We have set ourselves tough targets in taking climate action on the path to net-zero, caring for people, supporting equality for all, and conducting business with integrity.

A Responsible Citizen: We are committed to making a difference through social impact.


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Accenture’s sustainability value creation proposition

Because we believe technology can drive both business value and positive ESG outcomes, Accenture has developed a comprehensive sustainable technology strategy built on three pillars:

Core IT and Cloud operations: This includes defining and integrating the sustainable IT & Cloud mission with corporate commitments and equipping business functions to improve their sustainability performance through policies and digital tools.

Tech Products and Services: The sustainable deployment of technology and its use to enable responsible business and better customer outcomes. This includes setting strategic objectives, embedding sustainability into key business processes and systems, and assessing and managing the impact beyond the operational and financial focus of traditional technology-led transformations.

Partnership and Market Influence: Driving sustainability at scale by collaborating with strategic partners to raise the bar and support market demand for a responsible, sustainable economy. This includes aligning partners on the vision for sustainable technology, identifying industry opportunities and investing in pre-competitive partnerships, building on the core competencies of the company, and scaling the impact beyond the financials.

Supply Chain Resilience and Ethical Sourcing

Just as digital technologies have revolutionized supply chain management, sustainability is becoming a linchpin for resilience. Accenture suggests that organizations need to adopt sustainable and ethical sourcing practices, minimizing environmental impact and ensuring fair labor conditions. This shift is crucial for meeting the expectations of conscious consumers who prioritize ethically produced goods.

Technological Innovations for Sustainabilit

The comparison to digital implies that technological innovations will play a pivotal role in achieving sustainability goals. Just as digital solutions have optimized processes, technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and blockchain are now harnessed to enhance transparency in supply chains, monitor energy consumption, and enable circular economies, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Green Finance and Impact Investing

Accenture’s statement also implies a financial dimension, suggesting that sustainability will drive changes in investment strategies. The rise of green finance and impact investing reflects this trend, with investors increasingly seeking companies that demonstrate strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance.

Regulatory Compliance and Reporting

As digital regulations shaped the landscape of the digital era, sustainability is subject to a similar trajectory. Governments worldwide are implementing stringent environmental regulations, and organizations need to not only comply but also transparently report on their sustainability efforts. This aligns with Accenture’s view of sustainability as a transformative force akin to the regulatory shifts prompted by the digital revolution.

Consumer Expectations and Brand Loyalty

Just as digital experiences became a cornerstone for consumer interactions, sustainability practices are now a key driver of brand loyalty. Accenture’s statement suggests that consumers increasingly expect brands to align with their values, supporting environmentally conscious and socially responsible initiatives. This shift necessitates organizations to authentically integrate sustainability into their brand narratives.

Resilience to Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies

Considering the urgency of climate change, Accenture’s analogy implies that sustainability is not just a choice but a necessity for organizational resilience. Organizations need to develop strategies for climate change adaptation, including measures to mitigate environmental impact, enhance resource efficiency, and contribute to global efforts in combating climate change.

Stakeholder Collaboration and Ecosystem Approach

Just as digital ecosystems reshaped industries, sustainability requires a collaborative approach. Accenture suggests that organizations should work with stakeholders across their value chains, forming ecosystems committed to shared sustainability goals. This collaborative model mirrors the interconnected digital ecosystems that have driven innovation and competitiveness.

Measuring and Demonstrating Impact

Accenture’s comparison to the digital era suggests that, just as organizations invested in measuring digital performance, demonstrating the impact of sustainability efforts is critical. Robust metrics and reporting mechanisms are essential for organizations to communicate their sustainability achievements, building trust among stakeholders.

In conclusion

Accenture’s statement, “Sustainability will be the new digital,” signifies a transformative shift where sustainability is not merely an add-on but a fundamental driver of business strategies, akin to the revolutionary impact of digitalization. This paradigm shift requires organizations to embrace sustainability as a core value, integrating it into decision-making processes, supply chains, and consumer interactions. It also implies that, like the digital era, the sustainability era demands innovation, collaboration, and a holistic approach to navigating the complexities of the modern business landscape.

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