Exploring Unicode Space 3164: A Comprehensive Guide


Unveiling Unicode Character U+3164

Unicode character U+3164, known as “Hangul Filler” or “Hangul Jungseong Fill,” is a specific character within the Unicode standard, primarily associated with Korean script. This comprehensive guide aims to provide an in-depth exploration of U+3164, delving into its origin, use cases, significance in the Hangul script, and practical applications. From understanding its representation to exploring its role in text rendering, this exploration seeks to offer a holistic overview of Unicode character U+3164.

Name: Hangul Filler[1]
Unicode Version: 1.1 (June 1993)[2]
Block: Hangul Compatibility Jamo, U+3130 – U+318F[3]
Plane: Basic Multilingual Plane, U+0000 – U+FFFF[3]
Script: Hangul (Hang) [4]
Category: Other Letter (Lo) [1]
Bidirectional Class: Left To Right (L) [1]
Combining Class: Not Reordered (0) [1]
Character is Mirrored: No [1]
HTML Entity:
UTF-8 Encoding: 0xE3 0x85 0xA4
UTF-16 Encoding: 0x3164
UTF-32 Encoding: 0x00003164
Decomposition: ᅠ (U+1160)

1. Understanding U+3164: Hangul Filler Explained

Definition and Origin: Unicode Space 3164 is officially designated as a Hangul Filler, a Unicode character representing a space in the Hangul script. It is part of the Hangul Jamo Extended-B block in the Unicode standard. Its primary function is to fill space in text, much like a standard space character in other scripts.

Hangul Script Basics: The Hangul script, used for writing the Korean language, is unique in its construction. It combines individual letters, known as Jamo, into syllabic blocks. The Hangul Filler U+3164 plays a role in formatting and spacing within these blocks.

2. Use Cases and Significance in Hangul Script

Spacing and Text Rendering: In Hangul script, the Hangul Filler Unicode Space 3164 is employed to manage spacing between individual Jamo characters within a syllabic block. It ensures proper alignment and presentation of Hangul text. Understanding its use is essential for accurate rendering of Korean language content.

Role in Typography: The Hangul Filler is crucial in typography, especially when dealing with text formatting and layout in Korean publications, websites, and digital content. Its correct implementation contributes to the aesthetic presentation of Hangul script.

3. Representation and Practical Applications

Unicode Representation: The Hangul Filler U+3164 is represented as the Unicode character “ㅤ.” Visually, it appears as a square-shaped character that functions as a space within Hangul syllabic blocks.

Text Processing and Programming: In text processing and programming, developers working with Korean language applications must consider the Hangul Filler for proper text alignment and spacing. Utilizing it correctly ensures cohesive and visually appealing Hangul text display.

4. Step-by-Step Usage Guide

Step 1: Identify Hangul Script: Recognize when you are working with Hangul script, as the Hangul Filler U+3164 is specific to Korean language text.

Step 2: Inserting U+3164: In text editors or programming environments, insert U+3164 to represent a space within Hangul syllabic blocks. Its Unicode representation “ㅤ” can be directly used.

Step 3: Verify Rendering: After inserting Unicode Space 3164, verify that the Hangul text is rendered correctly. The Hangul Filler ensures proper spacing and alignment of Jamo characters.

5. Additional Information and Chart

Alternative Spaces in Unicode: Apart from U+3164, Unicode provides other space characters, such as U+0020 (regular space) and U+00A0 (non-breaking space). Understanding the differences is crucial for diverse text formatting needs.

Chart: Key Elements of U+3164 Exploration

Elements Description
Understanding U+3164 Definition and origin of Hangul Filler
Use Cases and Significance Role in Hangul script and its impact on text rendering
Representation and Applications Visual representation and practical uses in text processing
Step-by-Step Usage Guide A guide for correctly using U+3164 in Hangul text
Additional Information Insights into alternative spaces in Unicode
Chart Summary of key elements for easy reference


Navigating Hangul Text with U+3164

Unicode character Unicode Space 3164, the Hangul Filler, stands as a pivotal element in the proper rendering and spacing of Hangul script. From its representation to its practical applications, this guide equips users, developers, and linguists with the knowledge needed to navigate and utilize U+3164 effectively. Whether in digital communication, programming, or typography, understanding the role of U+3164 contributes to the accurate and aesthetically pleasing presentation of the Korean language.

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