Exploring Difference Between Entrepreneur And Intrapreneur


Unraveling the Essence of Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship

Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are two distinct yet interconnected concepts that play pivotal roles in the business landscape. This comprehensive guide delves into the nuances of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, highlighting their differences, significance, and the impact they have on the realm of innovation and business development. A chart is also presented to visually articulate the key distinctions between these two dynamic approaches.

What Is an Entrepreneur?

In general, an entrepreneur is anyone who organizes and operates a business.

Steve Jobs, Oprah, and Walt Disney all started businesses that went on to become gigantic corporations.

Right now, some kid is programming on an indie video game in his basement.

Elsewhere, a marketing professional is building an organic food startup.

My Dad built a small business where he sells computer systems for pet stores.

One of my friends sells travel mugs with the Zia symbol on them.

I write freelance content about business and technology.

What do all of us have in common?

We are all entrepreneurs.

The mantle of entrepreneurship belongs to the Silicon Valley founder with his dozens of employees and millions in venture capital, the owner of the diner down the street who barely makes ends meet, and the freelance travel photographer alike.

What Is an Intrapreneur?

Intrapreneurs take on a role very similar to that of entrepreneurs.

The main difference between intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs is that intrapreneurs are still part of a larger corporation – leading to differences in risk, control, resources, and potential upside gain.

If there are 1,000 flavors of entrepreneurship, there are just as many for intrapreneurship.

You may have heard of Google’s 20% project – an initiative in which each employee is allowed to spend 20% of their time on personal projects.

The 20% project spawned Gmail, AdSense, Google News, and more.

These were all massive intrapreneurial successes resulting in internal innovations that likely would not have occurred otherwise.

Do you have a post-it note handy?

Post-it notes were created under 3M’s 15% initiative, the inspiration for Google’s 20% project – launched all the way back in 1948!

One of the most famous intrapreneurship efforts was the “Skunk Works” project at Lockheed Martin – the project that birthed the SR71 and some of the other most innovative aircraft of the time.

Shorter-term intrapreneurial incubation sometimes takes the form of hack-a-thons or other competitions wherein groups of employees come up with and present their best innovation ideas over a few days’ time.

Intrapreneurship can also come from so-called internal startups – a prime example being Target.

No, you didn’t read that wrong – I’m not talking about a startup launched within Target.

Target began as an internal startup launched by Dayton-Hudson, and it grew to be one of the biggest retailers in America.

Intrapreneurship – also known as corporate entrepreneurship – is not new, but it’s certainly not yet the rule in large corporations.

Capital One, Verizon, GE, Mattress Firm, Aetna, and Coca-Cola have all launched internal startups.

Intrapreneurship can also take the form of think tanks or innovation centers.

Merck is a particular inspiration in this area, offering a 3-month scholarship stay at their think tank and several other programs to encourage the ideation and development of new innovations.

These examples are often of very different forms, but they are all examples of intrapreneurship and an internal culture of innovation.

1. Entrepreneurship: Pioneering Independent Ventures

Defining Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship encapsulates the process of conceiving, launching, and managing a new business venture. Entrepreneurs are individuals who take on the inherent risks associated with starting and running a business, often with the aim of creating a profitable and sustainable enterprise.

Key Characteristics: Entrepreneurs exhibit characteristics such as innovation, risk-taking, and a proactive mindset. They are driven by a vision to bring novel ideas to fruition, identifying market gaps and opportunities to create value.

2. Intrapreneurship: Fostering Innovation Within Organizations

Defining Intrapreneurship: Intrapreneurship refers to the cultivation of an entrepreneurial spirit within an existing organization. Intrapreneurs are individuals within a company who act as entrepreneurs, driving innovation, and taking calculated risks to enhance the organization’s competitiveness and growth.

Key Characteristics: Intrapreneurs display traits like creativity, initiative, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. They operate within the confines of an established organization, leveraging resources and support structures to bring about positive change and innovation.

3. Chart: Distinguishing Features of Difference Between Entrepreneur And Intrapreneur

Characteristics Entrepreneurship Intrapreneurship
Ownership and Independence Independent ownership and management Operates within the framework of an existing organization
Risk-Taking and Decision-Making Assumes high levels of personal and financial risk Navigates risks within the safety of the corporate environment
Innovation and Creativity Drives innovation by introducing new products or services Promotes innovation by improving existing processes or developing new initiatives
Funding and Resources Secures external funding and resources independently Utilizes internal resources and support from the organization
Goal and Vision Focuses on creating a new business entity Aims to enhance the organization’s competitiveness and efficiency

4. Entrepreneurship vs. Intrapreneurship: A Step-by-Step Analysis

Initiation and Ownership: Entrepreneurship typically begins with an individual identifying a market need or opportunity, leading to the establishment of an independent venture. In contrast, intrapreneurship involves employees within a company taking the initiative to propose and implement innovative projects.

Risk and Reward Dynamics: Entrepreneurs shoulder the entirety of the risks and rewards associated with their ventures. Intrapreneurs, while taking risks, do so within the organizational structure, sharing both risks and rewards with the company.

Innovation and Market Impact: Entrepreneurs focus on disrupting markets through groundbreaking innovations. Intrapreneurs contribute to innovation by enhancing internal processes, introducing new products, or streamlining operations within the existing organizational framework.

5. Additional Insights and Strategic Implications

Strategic Alignment: Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are not mutually exclusive. Forward-thinking companies often encourage intrapreneurial initiatives as part of their overall innovation strategy, recognizing that fostering an entrepreneurial culture within the organization can lead to sustained growth.

Role Evolution: Entrepreneurs may transition into intrapreneurial roles as their ventures grow and become integrated into larger corporate structures. Intrapreneurs, on the other hand, might eventually embark on independent entrepreneurial ventures.


Embracing the Dynamic Spectrum of Entrepreneurial Spirit

The realms of Difference Between Entrepreneur And Intrapreneur represent dynamic and interconnected facets of the business landscape. The accompanying chart provides a visual guide to understanding the key differences between these two approaches. As individuals and organizations navigate this dynamic spectrum, they are encouraged to recognize the unique contributions of both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, fostering a culture that celebrates innovation, risk-taking, and strategic growth.

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