Describe A Skill That You Learned From Older People

Starting the process of learning a difficult talent was a life-changing event that put my ability to grow and my perseverance to the test. The ability in question was learning the nuances of playing the violin, a musical instrument. This was not only a finger dexterity exercise; it also needed a comprehension of music theory, perseverance in building muscle memory, and an ear for subtleties in pitch and tone.

When did you learn it?

  • During the pandemic lockdown, like everyone I was held up at home, doing nothing. But I decided to learn something new which I was looking forward to.
  • One day I was discussing with my cousin the musical instruments like guitar, piano, etc.
  • He told me that there are various online classes available to learn any musical instrument.
  • The fee structure and timings are flexible, not like old days.
  • Immediately I decided to buy a guitar and registered for an online course.

Why did you learn it?

  • I wanted to learn guitar because it’s handy, easy to carry, and it looks amazing.
  • When I was studying in college, I was surprised to see many students playing one or the other musical instrument like drums, trumpet, violin, etc.
  • When I see someone with a guitar on the road or in a movie, my mind always pops up and says – when will you learn guitar?
  • Apart from that, learning any musical instrument will improve memory and change the mood instantly.

How did you learn it?

  • I joined an online class. The first few classes were direct interactions with the trainer. And rest of the classes were only through WhatsApp.
  • I will get the lessons, videos and instructions on WhatsApp. After completing that lesson, I need to send my version to him for review.
  • If the trainer is satisfied with my performance, he will move on to the next lesson. If not, he will identify the mistakes and tell me to redo them.
  • Meanwhile, if I have any doubts, I need to send him a WhatsApp message. He will read it and clarify my doubts.
  • Since I can play on my timings, I find this online class easy and flexible.
  • The only drawback is that I can’t practice for more than an hour as my fingers will start to hurt.

How did you feel when you learned it?

When I started my lessons, I felt excited and completed my lessons faster than others. Later on, I lost that excitement and started doing my classes whenever I felt like doing so. Overall, I am happy with my learning. Though it was difficult for me to learn, I enjoy learning it.

Step 1: The First Obstacles

I was frustrated and felt that studying the violin was too complicated at the beginning. It appeared impossible to coordinate bowing motions, hold the instrument correctly, and produce clean sounds. The violin’s first sharp cracks and erratic tones were depressing, and I had serious concerns about my capacity to learn this exquisite but difficult instrument.

Step 2: Looking for Advice

I knew I needed help, so I went to a seasoned violin instructor for advice. This stage was crucial in decomposing the skill’s complexity into smaller, more manageable parts. I learnt the proper stance, the delicate art of bowing, and the importance of placing your fingers on the strings under the careful instruction of an instructor. The instructor’s words of wisdom and helpful criticism served as pillars of support for me, strengthening my will to get past the early obstacles.

Step 3: Perform Rituals Every Day

Acquiring a difficult skill takes time and effort to master. Developing a regular practice schedule turned into a crucial aspect of my trip. The practice of given pieces, exercises, and scales is repetitive. turned into a routine that strengthened my technical abilities and ingrained perseverance and discipline. Although progress was slow, the small victories provided as palpable indicators of success.

Step 4: Acknowledging Your Learning Curve

As the weeks stretched into months, I began to understand what a learning curve was. Traversing from inexperience to expertise involved setbacks, advances, and plateaus. Recognizing the significance of setbacks in the learning process enabled me to tackle obstacles with perseverance and a mindset focused on ongoing enhancement.

Step 5: Marking Significant Occasions

Rewarding and recognizing modest accomplishments was essential for maintaining motivation. Every accomplishment, whether it was getting the hang of a difficult passage, raising the volume, or performing a piece flawlessly, became a cause for encouragement and pride. My enthusiasm for the ability was stoked by these successes, which also gave me the drive to try more difficult methods.

Step 6: The Virtue of Patience

Acquiring a challenging skill demands perseverance, since it necessitates the capacity to bear the unavoidable difficulties and obstacles. Accepting the virtue of patience turned out to be a priceless lesson in and of itself. I was able to approach obstacles with a calm and collected perspective and develop a deeper connection with the learning process because I realized that growth happens at its own speed.

Getting Traditional Wisdom by Studying the Experience of Older Generations

Unlike the difficulties associated with learning the violin technically, learning to garden is a skill that is firmly ingrained in traditional wisdom. This led to another significant learning experience. This ability was inherited by me from my family’s earlier generations, providing a link to the natural world and a wealth of information that goes beyond textbooks.

Step 1: Adopting Traditional Knowledge

As taught by elderly family members, gardening was an exercise in accepting traditional knowledge. The techniques, advice, and customs exchanged were rooted in the collective wisdom of several generations. Elders’ wisdom became the cornerstone for growing a successful garden, from identifying the right circumstances for various plants to comprehending the composition of the soil.

Step 2: Using Nature as a Classroom for Practical Learning

In contrast to the controlled setting of a classroom, gardening lessons from past generations were learned in the unobstructed landscape. It required practical experiences, such as tilling the ground, sowing seeds, raising saplings, and seeing the cycles involved in harvesting and growing. This hands-on, immersive learning method promoted a profound understanding of how intertwined everything is.

Step 3: Acquiring Knowledge of Nature’s Rhythms

I’ve learned to tune into the cycles of nature through gardening, comprehending the seasons, patterns of climate, and particular needs of each plant. This capacity, which has its roots in the knowledge of past generations, has evolved into a lesson in endurance, discernment, and flexibility. It underlined how crucial it is to cooperate with nature instead of enforcing inflexible rules.

Step 4: Self-sufficiency and Sustainability

The wisdom passed down from past generations went far beyond gardening techniques and included concepts of self-sufficiency and sustainability. Discovering the benefits of heirloom seeds, organic pest management, and composting highlighted the significance of  conscientious actions that respect the environment. These teachings reflected a deep-rooted philosophy of reducing ecological impact and living in harmony with the land.

Step 5: Fostering a Heritage Connection

Older generations taught us that gardening was more than simply a useful skill—it became a means of fostering a sense of cultural identity. Stories, memories, and a sense of continuity were carried by the plants and gardening techniques that were passed down through the family. This ability, enhanced by its cultural significance, crossed generations and turned into a live example of how important it is to keep traditions alive.

Step 6: Passing the Light

The story came full circle when I mastered gardening thanks to the guidance of elderly family members. After being taught the talent, I had the chance to pass the passing the baton to future generations. This cyclical process of knowledge transfer highlighted the enduring value of skills rooted in traditional wisdom and the responsibility to preserve and share this heritage.

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