Skillshop Google Ads: A Detailed How-To Work

First of all

Google Ads is an effective online advertising platform, and Skillshop offers a well-organized and thorough learning environment to help you become an expert user of this tool. By completing Skillshop’s Google Ads courses, you may develop the ability to design successful, focused ad campaigns that generate results, regardless of your level of experience.

What is Google Ads Skillshop?

Google’s Skillshop is the platform on which you’ll complete the Google training courses and take the certification exams.

Google Skillshop homepage

Google also offers courses for its other products through Skillshop, such as Google Analytics and Waze, if you’re looking to learn more than just Google Ads.

How to earn your certification through Google Ads Skillshop

You need a Google account to use Skillshop. If you don’t have one, now is the time to create it.

If you do, in fact, have an existing Google account, follow these steps to learn Google Ads and earn your certifications!

  1. Log in to the Skillshop website with your Google credentials. Google will save your course progress and certifications to your account.

Login section of skillshop

Just a note here: If you work for an organization that has earned Google Partner status, you’ll want to use an account that’s connected to your organization. In doing so, your certification may help your organization maintain its Partner status, depending on which topic you choose.

  1. Navigate to the Google Ads certifications page and choose the one that you wish to earn.

Certification exam options

  1. Once you choose a subject, you’ll be taken to a page with learning resources, a pre-test, and the final exam. The study resources have plenty of great information to help you learn Google Ads, some of which may appear on your exam, so start by working through each module.

The Google Video certification resources

  1. When you’ve completed the learning resources, try your hand at the pre-test.
  2. Once you’re confident in your Google Ads skills, take the final exam to earn your certification!

Get your digital advertising tips straight from the experts.

What does a Google Ads certification cost?

You can take the advertising courses and exams for free. That includes all the modules, the practice test, and the actual certification.

The only “costs” you’ll have to consider are the value of your time and any additional resources you decide to buy (although everything you really need to pass the exam is free).

If you do see a certification exam online that costs anything more than zero dollars, think twice before whipping out your credit card.

4 important Google Ads certification exam details

Here are the nitty-gritty details about getting your Google Ads certifications.

1. The courses and exams are long

Block out a significant period of time to prepare for and take the exams.

The study materials may require a few hours of your time. Each exam contains about 40 to 50 questions, and Google gives you 75 minutes to answer all of them.

While you may complete everything quickly, give yourself enough time to adequately prepare and go through all the exam questions.

2. You have more than one shot to pass

If you fail a certification exam, you only have to wait a day before trying again.

While you won’t know which questions you got right and wrong, this waiting period gives you a chance to review the provided resources and read through your notes to figure out where things may have gone south. No pressure to be perfect on your first try.

Also, you can’t stop the exam and come back later. Doing so will result in a failure and will require you to retake it at least one day later.

3. The grading system is different from the one you had in school

Remember when a 70% or greater meant you passed a test or a class? Google holds you to a higher standard (for most of its exams).

You need to score at least 80% to pass the bulk of the ad exams. The exception is the Apps exam, which requires at least 70% to pass.

4. Your certification doesn’t last forever

The field of digital advertising changes frequently. New technology comes into play. More businesses enter the competition. Google updates its ad platform to align with the shifting digital landscape.

With that said, your certification only lasts for one year. You must retake the exams each year to maintain your certification status.

Yes, that may seem annoying, but it forces you to keep learning Google Ads so you know your knowledge of the platform is up-to-date. The resources Google provides to prepare for the exams may change, too, so you may want to review them when you go for your recertification.

How to get Google Ads certified: 3 key tips

1. Take your time with the training modules

While the certification exams are timed, the training resources provided by Google are not.

Don’t go through the resources just to say you went through them. Take in all of the information you can, and remember to keep detailed notes for review.

Even if something isn’t on the exam, it may help you improve your Google Ads skills. Isn’t that what a marketing certification is all about?

2. Read Google’s help docs

If you find that Google’s study resources aren’t enough, take some time to go through Google’s help documentation.

In these documents, you’ll find details about different types of ads, ways to bid on your ads, new technologies you can use, tips for launching successful campaigns, and much more.

A Google Ads help doc

You’ll also benefit from reading or watching content created by digital advertising professionals.

3. Don’t look up or share the answers online

This is less of a tip and more of a warning. Cheating (or helping others cheat) is wrong, and it can get you in big trouble.

When you go to take an exam, you’ll be prompted with a statement about cheating.

Google cheating disclaimer

If caught, you may lose your certification, be banned from getting other Google certifications with Skillshop, or face legal action. All of those consequences sound awful and not worth the risk of cheating.

1. How to Begin Using Skillshop Google Ads

Create an account on Skillshop, look through the offered courses, and start your Google Ads adventure. With the range of courses available on the platform—from the most basic concepts to sophisticated tactics—students can customize their education to meet their own needs.

2. Google Ads Foundations

Commence with the foundational courses that address the fundamentals of Google AdWords Discover the many ad kinds, campaign setup procedures, and account setup. Having a solid understanding of the principles is essential to developing effective advertising efforts.

3. Researching and Targeting Keywords

Explore the nuances of targeting and keyword research. To efficiently reach your intended audience, Skillshop offers in-depth lessons on how to choose pertinent keywords, write attractive ad copy, and optimize your targeting settings.

4. Extensions and Formats for Ads

Examine the several ad forms that Google Ads offers, such as text, display, and video ads. Discover how to use ad extensions to provide more information to your ads so that people will click and interact with them.

5. Techniques for Campaign Optimization

Take campaign optimization-focused classes to improve your abilities. Recognize the significance of tracking important indicators, To maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns, undertake A/B testing and bid adjustments.

6. Integration with Google Analytics

Google Analytics and Skillshop work together effortlessly, and Skillshop offers classes on how to link the two for in-depth data analysis. Learn about user behavior, monitor conversions, and utilize this information to improve your Google AdWords approach.

7. Remarketing and Advanced Targeting

Explore more sophisticated targeting choices and remarketing tactics as you improve. Discover how to customize your advertisements based on certain interests, demographics, and behaviors to make sure your campaigns connect with and convert your target audience.

8. Certification for Google Ads

You can verify your knowledge and abilities by taking the Google Ads certification examinations available from Skillshop Obtaining these certificates increases your credibility and creates new opportunities. prospects in the field of digital marketing.

9. Keeping Up with Market Trends

Digital marketing and Google AdWords are ever-changing. Learners are kept up to date on the most recent updates and trends in the business by Skillshop. Visit the site frequently to take advantage of new courses and remain up to date with the rapidly evolving field of internet advertising.

10. Support and Community

A sense of community is fostered among students through Skillshop. Participate in forums, interact with other marketers, and make use of the offered tools for support. Gaining knowledge from others’ experiences and exchanging ideas helps improve your comprehension of Google AdWords.

Get to know Skillshop

About Skillshop

Skillshop is a Google training platform that you can use to grow your skills on Google’s tools and solutions. It’s for anyone who uses the below products. When you sign up, you’ll be able to access our online courses at any time, and complete them at your own pace.

  • Android

  • Authorized Buyers

  • Google Ad Manager

  • Google AdMob

  • Google Ads

  • Analytics Academy

  • Google Digital Academy

  • Google Marketing Platform

  • Google My Business

  • Google for Education

  • Waze

  • With more to come

In summary

Using Skillshop to master Google Ads is a dynamic, continuous practice. The platform provides an efficient and well-structured learning route, from grasping the foundations to remaining current with industry trends. By devoting time to Skillshop’s courses, advertising professionals may fully utilize Google AdWords, resulting in effective and profitable campaigns.

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