95 Percentile In Jee Mains Means How Many Marks

What is JEE Main 2024 Percentile Score?

The JEE percentile score compares an applicant’s performance to all other test takers and is not the same as a percentage score or raw marks. The JEE Main percentile score indicates the percentage of candidates who scored lower or equal to a particular score in the examination. Knowing how to access an estimated rank before the official announcement can be beneficial, but only if the applicant understands the normalization process and tiebreakers used to determine JEE Main marks and percentiles.

JEE Main 2024 Marks vs Percentile: A Comparative Study

In addition to understanding their percentile score, students should also be aware of their assigned rank in relation to that score. To fully comprehend the relationship between JEE Main marks and percentiles, it is also important for students to understand how rank is assigned based on percentile.

The marks vs percentile for JEE Mains 2024  is available. Candidates can refer to the table below for marks vs percentile in JEE Mains 2024 to get an idea of their approximate percentile range in JEE Main result.

JEE Main 2024 Score JEE Main 2024 Percentile
300-281 100 – 99.99989145
271 – 280 99.994681 – 99.997394
263 – 270 99.990990 – 99.994029
250 – 262 99.977205 – 99.988819
241 – 250 99.960163 – 99.975034
231 – 240 99.934980 – 99.956364
221 – 230 99.901113 – 99.928901
211 – 220 99.851616 – 99.893732
201 – 210 99.795063 – 99.845212
191 – 200 99.710831 – 99.782472
181 – 190 99.597399 – 99.688579
171 – 180 99.456939 – 99.573193
161 – 170 99.272084 – 99.431214
151 – 160 99.028614 – 99.239737
141 – 150 98.732389 – 98.990296
131 – 140 98.317414 – 98.666935
121 – 130 97.811260 – 98.254132
111 – 120 97.142937 – 97.685672
101 – 110 96.204550 – 96.978272
91 – 100 94.998594 – 96.064850
81 – 90 93.471231 – 94.749479
71 – 80 91.072128 – 93.152971
61 – 70 87.512225 – 90.702200
51 – 60 82.016062 – 86.907944
41 – 50 73.287808 – 80.982153
31 – 40 58.151490 – 71.302052
21 – 30 37.694529 – 56.569310
20 – 11 13.495849 – 33.229128
0 – 10 0.8435177 – 9.6954066

JEE Main 2024 Percentile vs Ranks

The release of percentile and rank statistics is dependent on various factors such as the number of registered candidates, the number of questions on the exam, the difficulty level of the exam, and trends from previous years’ marks and ranks in JEE Main.

The percentile vs rank statistics for JEE Main 2024 is provided here. Candidates can check here percentile vs rank data. Candidates can refer to the table below for the same:

JEE Main 2024 Percentile JEE Main 2024 Rank
100 – 99.99989145 1 – 20
99.994681 – 99.997394 80 – 24
99.990990 – 99.994029 83 – 55
99.977205 – 99.988819 210 – 85
99.960163 – 99.975034 367 – 215
99.934980 – 99.956364 599 – 375
99.901113 – 99.928901 911 – 610
99.851616 – 99.893732 1367 – 920
99.795063 – 99.845212 1888 – 1375
99.710831 – 99.782472 2664 – 1900
99.597399 – 99.688579 3710 – 2700
99.456939 – 99.573193 5003- 3800
99.272084 – 99.431214 6706 – 5100
99.028614 – 99.239737 8949 – 6800
98.732389 – 98.990296 11678 – 9000
98.317414 – 98.666935 15501 – 11800
97.811260 – 98.254132 20164 – 15700
97.142937 – 97.685672 26321 – 20500
96.204550 – 96.978272 34966 – 26500
94.998594 – 96.064850 46076 – 35000
93.471231 – 94.749479 60147 – 46500
91.072128 – 93.152971 82249 – 61000
87.512225 – 90.702200 115045 – 83000
82.016062 – 86.907944 165679 – 117000
73.287808 – 80.982153 246089 – 166000
58.151490 – 71.302052 385534 – 264383


JEE Main Normalisation Formula

After compiling the raw marks, the NTA applies the normalization formula to get the percentile scores of a candidate for each subject – Maths, Physics, and Chemistry as well as the total. The highest score of each session will get the same percentile of 100 which is ideal. The percentile score has been used for the preparation of the JEE Main merit list. The percentile scores will be calculated up to 7 decimal places to avoid ties among candidates with the same scores.

The JEE Main percentile score obtained by a candidate is determined only after applying normalization to the marks obtained by a candidate. JEE Main Percentile scores indicate the percentage of candidates who have scored equal to or below that particular percentile in the examination. A percentile score is measured on a scale of 100 to 0 for each session of examinees. The formula to calculate JEE Mains marks vs percentile is


JEE Main 2024 Normalisation Process: Tie Breaker Guidelines

The following comes into effect when two or more candidates obtain equal percentile scores. The inter-se merit will be determined according to the following rules in case of a tie.

Candidates obtaining a higher Percentile Score in Mathematics will be ranked higher

  • If a tie still exists, the candidate with a higher Percentile Score in Physics will be given the higher rank
  • If a tie still exists, the candidate obtaining a higher Percentile Score in Chemistry will get the higher rank
  • If a tie still exists, candidates older in age will be given a preference

The JEE Main 2024 result will be released separately for each session (June & July 2022). The best score of the two sessions will be taken into consideration for candidates who appeared in both sessions. The merit list will be prepared on the final scores and ranks announced based on the same.

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